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Zimpli Kids: Eco-friendly sensory play

Hearts and Hiccups Blog

Problem: Sensory play is the new word on the street but not all parents know how to create sensory play materials that are safe for sensitive skin and the environment.

Problem solved, folks. Zimpli Kids has created an amazing range of fun gellis and slimes that can be enjoyed at home. Whether in the bath, a bucket or a plastic inflatable pool, lots of fun is guaranteed.

Why is sensory play such a big thing at the moment? Well, because research shows it plays an important role in the development of nerve connections in the brain's pathways.

We were sent some exciting Zimpli Kids products to enjoy and we can high recommend them! We used the Slime Baff in the bath and Nunu absolutely loved it! The whole bath was transformed into a gooey blue mess of fun! When we were finished, we simply diluted the bath water and it easily drained.

Our absolute favourite was the Gelli Baff! One hot afternoon, I poured some gelli into my washing basket and then topped it with water. Nunu had so much fun playing in the jelly-like substance, hiding all of his toys and pretending they were swimming in the orange goo! Sensory play is great for imaginative play! Once finished, we used the special powder supplied in the pack to turn the gelli back to coloured water.


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