Dolls aren’t just for girls and my little guy was ecstatic when he received his Baby Born So Soft Touch yesterday. Playing with dolls is important for all kids, no matter their gender. Playing with dolls is a great tool to encourage creative play and to create a safe space to express their emotions. It also promotes an understanding of compassion and kindness. I’ve never understood why ‘boy parents’ might be hesitant about their sons playing with dolls. Nunu just loves playing with dolls and this one is really the top of the line. Baby Born is incredibly life-like and is able to eat, cry and destroy nappies just like a real baby too. Baby Born arrives in the cutest packaging and comes with a variety of play items to keep your pretend baby and real child happily playing for hours. The Baby Born comes with a birth certificate, nappy, sachet of baby food, baby vest with matching hat, bottle, bowl and spoon for feeding, dummy with chain and a little potty when you’re ready for that big step! There are even matching bracelets for baby and your child. Nunu had so much fun mixing up the sachet of porridge and feeding his baba her breakfast. He also made sure she had her milk bottle first thing in the morning. I love how this creates an opportunity for imaginative play while also building a sense of responsibility. Unfortunately what goes in must come out and we had to change the nappy! By massaging her tummy she can make a wee or poo. Best thing about this particular doll? It’s silent. Unlike other ‘real-life’ dolls it doesn’t cry loudly or make noises. This is something I’m sure all parents can appreciate. It doesn’t require batteries to operate. Another win! We were sent a potty which, just like in real-life, will save you a lot of money! I am excited that this was sent with the doll because Nunu is in the middle of potty training and he’s amped to have a sidekick join him! The nappies are quite pricey so we will be potty training soon! Baby Born is also able to bath and has little holes in her feet for quick drainage. The Baby Born Funny Toilet plays a little tune and when the doll has “finished her business” she gets a round of applause. It also has some toilet humour- some fart sounds to complete the fun. Nunu hasn’t left Baby Born out of his sight since receiving this gift from Prima Toys. We visited a restaurant yesterday and baby had to come along too!
Available from Toyzone, Toy Kingdom and Toys R Us. BABY BORN FUNNY TOILET R430.00 BABY BORN NAPPIES R90.00