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Kids Emporium Paarl Launch

Hearts and Hiccups Blog

Today I was lucky enough to attend the Launch Party for Kids Emporium Paarl. It is situated in Shop 47, Paarl Mall.

The new owner has paid careful attention to every little detail within the store, creating an absolute haven for any mommy wanting to shop for her baby.

The store boasts many different products with which to spoil your little one. The owner was incredibly helpful and directed me to popular products currently on the market. 

Here are my Top 4 favourite products that I discovered today:

1) It is never too early to start reading with your baby. Kids Emporium Paarl has a selection of classics, such as Peter Rabbit. Nunu is at the age where he loves "touch and feel" books, so we bought him the Sophie la girafe- 'Goodnight, Sophie' book. Reading is such an important part of your child's development and this is a wonderful book with which to start!

2) Have you heard of Nom Nom beads? They are quite possibly the best invention! They produce a wide range of chewable teething accessories. I decided on the dummy clip, as Nunu seems to lose his dummy regularly and then it's melt down stations. These beads can even go in the dishwasher! Bonus!

3) Kippins teething toy- what a joy this magical  little toy is! Kids Emporium Paarl has a wide range of different animals from which to choose. We went with the cat (because obviously Nunu must love cats as much a I do). The toy is made from 100% beech wood.

4) Last, but definitely not least, is the Spilly Spoon. Nunu has been so sick recently and giving him medicine had been an absolute nightmare. This BPA free, non spill medicine spoon is perfect for administering those cough syrups and antibiotics! This one is a total necessity.

Kids Emporium Paarl has put together a SECRET MINI HAMPER for me to give away. Let me tell you, I've had a sneak peek in the bag and the products are amazing! Watch my Facebook page for competition details!

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