6.00 Time to get that breast pump going. Hubby is awesome and feeds Nunu, dresses him and entertains him.
6.30 Time to shower. Washing my hair has never seemed so painful.
6:40 Time to get dressed. &@$#%!!!!! Nothing fits. Leggings and maternity top it is.
6:50 Try to remember to put on make-up.
7:00 Begin packing for the apocalypse. There will be at least two trips to the car. Nunu's school bag, cooler bag with bottles, my school bag, my cooler bag for storing milk, my breast pump and sterilized bottles.
7:10 Do not forget to pack child.
7:20 Drop child at granny.
7:30 Arrive at school. Snarl at anyone that greets me with GOOD morning. Deposit my luggage in classroom. Open windows and blinds. Switch on lap top.
7:40 Meeting in staffroom. Collect flat white double shot coffee from school tuck shop on the way.
7:50 Bell rings and kids are lead into classroom. Let the day begin. Class knows to avoid eye contact until coffee is finished.
9:00 Wrestle with photocopy machine. Paper jam. Fix machine. Another paper jam.
10:00 Time to pump. Tell kids I am going for a "meeting". Hide in small, dark room for 20 minutes and pump. Get locked in. Use phone to call for male assistance. Key has to be passed through tiny window. I am finally freed. Need a shot of tequila, but remember that this isn't legal at school.
11:00 Need to hand out Maths books. Remember that there was no time to mark them last night and now I can't move on to next section.
12:00 Internet has decided to work at dial up speeds.
13:00 Parent meetings. Worry that I have only been at school for a week since returning from maternity leave, what could meeting be about?
14:00 Meetings fine. Try to get some marking done.
15:00 More parent meetings.
16:00 Rush to fetch Nunu. Just manage to fit car seat, baby, 30 Maths books, school bags, cooler bags and myself in the car.
16:01 Realise I have left my pumped milk in the fridge at school.
16:20 Play with Nunu, bath, feed, rock to sleep.
18:30 Relaxation time. Nunu asleep and My Kitchen Rules on MNet.
19:30 Those Maths books are still waiting....
20:30 Pack Nunu's school bags for the next day
22:00 Nunu's dream feed.
22:30 Bedtime! Sleep tight all!