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Preemie babies

Hearts and Hiccups Blog

You've carried this little being for 33 weeks, he is born in rather a traumatic way, and is suddenly whisked away from you for tests.

Any mother who has had the heartbreak of having the birth they hadn't anticipated can empathize, I am sure. The medical staff were fantastic, but I had always pictured myself lying and snuggling with Nunu when he was fresh from the oven. You expect to hear that special cry as they are born. Instead poor Nunu was hooked up to an oxygen machine and monitored carefully. Darling Husband was an absolute hero that day, taking care of me and Nunu.

Heading back to the ward after surgery, I saw all the new moms with their babies and I felt heart sore.

I met Nunu properly the following day, but couldn't hold him because he had IV drips and a feeding tube.

Breast milk is best for preemies, but it's difficult to produce enough when you can't be at the hospital all the time. I expressed what little I could, but the pressure was real when other mothers rocked up with their cooler bags with their 2L bottles and I had barely managed my measly 30ml! Other preemie moms couldn't produce breast milk at all and they were using donor milk which is another option.

Nunu had breast milk and formula (paed recommended Nan 1 HA which is hypo-allergenic and does not use cow's milk. Cheapest I have found is at Baby Boom-


He spent 9 days in NICU. What an amazing staff in NICU! These people are so kind and gentle hearted, absolute angels who made the whole process so much easier.

Darling Husband was terrified on the drive home, I think we didn't even make the speed limit on the freeway.

It's quite overwhelming coming home for the first time and you realize there are now three of you!

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